2025 Roadmap shared
Your SLVREC team has developed a 2025 Roadmap, which describes our key initiatives for the year ahead.
Illustrated in the GOALS section are four focus areas: Workforce, Financial, Reliability and Communications. Under them you’ll find a list of goals that SLVREC plans to accomplish this year. Each one is aligned to drive us toward our Five-Year Strategic Plan. Here is a brief description of each one for you:
• Team Service Projects: To develop leadership, teamwork and service to others through team projects
• We CARE employee events: To deliver a leadership educational moment and cultural team-building experience
• Operations Center Evaluation: To improve our main operations and dispatch center, which is central to our daily operations, safety, reliability, and member communication
• New Mapping Software: To improve our asset management, safety and reliability
• Process Improvement Training Phase II: Our goal is constant improvement; we’ve adopted a globally recognized change management process named Lean Six Sigma. Phase II further delivers certification training to employees and process improvement projects to deliver the best value to members.
• Alamosa Network Operations Center (NOC) Generator: Support exceptional Ciello reliability and financial resiliency
• Powerline Inspection Evaluation: To improve our electrical system equipment inspection process, which is important for safety, reliability and affordability— AI technology will be a consideration
• Develop Wildfire Mitigation Plan: Proactively plan to mitigate national, state and local concerns for potential health, safety and financial impacts of wildfires.
• Microgrid Plan: To study and evaluate the feasibility of adding utility scale battery storage to new solar facilities at Moffat and Creede Substation. Prioritizing affordable rates while improving regional resiliency.
• Cyber Security Plan: To mitigate the ever-increasing threat of a cyber-attack— The security of our financial integrity and system reliability depends on our cyber defenses
• Energy Resource Plan: To study and develop a 20-year planning document to evaluate how to provide the most affordable and reliable energy for the future of SLV. This is in response to the newly FERC-approved Tri-State program named Bring Your Own Resource (BYOR), which creates the opportunity for us to develop up to 40 percent local power generation.
• Smart Grid Plan: To develop a 10-year plan aligning our current and future technologies that maximize performance and efficiency for members
• Improve Wireless Service: Implement improved technology to achieve faster speeds and reliability
• Employee Resource Center: To design a central resource for employees to find and share information more readily— improving employee work experience
• Member Rate Communication: To educate and prepare members for changes to rates in 2025 and ahead
You can find the 2025 Roadmap on our website at slvrec.com/about-us Please reach out to request a “road show” presentation to your business or organization and feel free to walk-in and visit any time.
We’re here whenever you need us. Connect with us online, in person or through our social media channels. However, you choose to connect, please let us know how we can serve you better.